How To Remove the Sub-Header in WordPress

What is the sub-header?

The sub-header is the secondary header on your website or page. Occasionally, you won’t always have the option to disable your sub-header and in some circumstances, you may want or need to. As an example, I am currently working on a website for a customer, The theme I’ve chosen to use has a sub-header that automatically displays breadcrumbs (which I can’t stand). So, in this instance, I need to remove the sub-header. This is WordPress, however, and there are ways to disable the breadcrumbs, BUT we’ll save that for another day. So let’s dive in to this super simple and easy way to disable the sub-header.

Navigating To The Sub-Header

The sub-header can be found two ways: through the dashboard and via the customize option displayed at the top of your page when you’re signed in as an admin.


Editing the CSS

Now comes the easy part. You should see a menu with many options. At the bottom of this is “Additional CSS”. Go ahead and select that.

Entering the Code

Once you’ve selected “Additional CSS”, you should see the following. Copy and insert the code below the image and that’s it!


You’re done!

That’s all there is to it, go ahead and click update and you’re good to go. Enjoy!

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How To Disable The WordPress Admin Bar

How To Disable The WordPress Admin Bar

If you have a website where you can have members, chances are you don’t want them accessing the backend of your site in any way (unless they’re an admin). If you’re wondering how to get rid of that pesky admin WordPress bar at the top of your site for anyone that’s just a customer or subscriber, read on.

(Warning: if you are not comfortable editing your sites code, please refrain from doing so until you’re comfortable. We are not responsible for damage done to your site. Feel free to learn about a great plugin called “Code Snippet” that allows you to add to your functions.php without going directly into it – Click here to learn more)


Let’s Dive In…

Alright, so, we’re going to go into the dreaded code of your website. To do this, we’re going to first go to Appearance, then we’re going to go to Theme Editor.

Now that you’re in…

Now that you’ve selected Theme Editor, you should see a page with coding. Go ahead and dismiss any notification about ruining your site (BUT PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF IT). Select Theme Functions (functions.php).

You’re doing great!

You should see code that basically takes up all of your screen. Scroll all the way down after you’ve selected theme functions. Copy the following code and paste it all the way at the bottom of your code.

add_action('after_setup_theme', 'remove_admin_bar');
function remove_admin_bar() {
if (!current_user_can('administrator') && !is_admin()) {

And that’s it!

Click update file and you’re done!