How to Copy and Paste Ads and MAKE $100 $500 DAILY! (Step by Step Training)

In this video, Dan shows how anyone can copy his formula to make extra money online. – How to Copy and Paste Ads and MAKE $100-$500 DAILY! (Step by Step Training)

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In this step by step training video I will show you how to copy and paste ads and make $100 - $500 per day online, even as a beginner. All we do is copy and paste our pre-written ads to social media sites, Facebook, Instagram, craigslist and get paid daily. In this video, I will be showing you two little known websites where you can post your ads for free and get paid. These two websites are work from home opportunity friendly and you can use them with any legitimate home-based business and work at home jobs that you are promoting.

Also, I will teach you a little-known craigslist strategy that will help you make money online fast. And it doesn’t matter which work at home job you are promoting, this super-secret craigslist strategy will work.


Websites to Post for Free -

The Free Ad Forum:

Free Global Classified Ads:


Dan’s Mega Swipe File:

It’s not too late! You can still make money from home online in 2019! I will also be sharing my copy and paste ads income proof using this amazing copy & paste ad system. ????????

Also, everyone who partners with me will receive tons of bonuses and a weekly team traffic co-op that will jump start your business and get you into profits fast.

✅ Click the link to learn more about this member to member instant pay digital franchise business and how I will coach and mentor you every step of the way.

Make Money Blogging

Ah, the almighty blogging question: How to make money blogging? The answer to that is more complex than you might think. Making money online in itself is a tough, tedious, rigorous and sometimes, a monumental task. When you decide that you want to make money online, you really need to understand something: It’s a lot of work.  

Many people fall and fail unfortunately, buying into cheap and poorly made programs that really offer only ideas and basic principles on “how to make money online”. This is truly a tragedy and is one of the main drivers of why 96% of people who try to earn money online, fail at making any money. That’s right, almost all people looking to make any significant money online, fail. So, what’s the secret? What are those 4 percent of people doing online that makes them so successful? The answer is this: they work long and hard at it.  

That may not be what you want to here, but the truth is, when you start an online business, you have to understand that you’re starting a business. The more hours you put into your business, the higher your chances for success become. Take this business for example, Royalty Online Business, as a business, we’ve put literally thousands of hours into our business to get it where it is today. It was no small task and we’re not even close to where we want to be. That place being, a dominating online financial guidance business.  

How has blogging helped our business grow? Search engines love blogs. If you go to any major site, right now, you will almost certainly find a section where they just write. They may call it “news” or “the latest buzz” or something catchy, but in all reality, they’re blogging. You see, you need content on your website. That is, a combination of words that are attached to your website that are meaningful, rich, informative and trendy. If you’re online business is trying to sell shoes for example, you need to be constantly on the lookout for the latest and greatest. When something happens in your industry, you must be one of the first to write about it. It’s easy to get left behind. Let’s take, for example, a sports event. Team A wins over team B and you decide to write a blog about it 2 weeks after the games ended. Guess what? You now have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of stories all over the internet about exactly what you’re writing about. You’re competition also has search engine popularity over you.  

Relevance is a big part of a search engine. When the user types in, “what happened in game 1 of the world series”, the search engine will pull up the most relevant sites to that user based on recent overall user popularity using those keywords. That’s just one component of what the search engine uses to bring sites to that user. You have to be on your “A” game. The other thing you really need to focus on is bringing new content to the table. Using keyword analytical software or programs, find the best keywords that go with your website. Next, find a search result with low competition and at least 1,000 searches a month. When you start writing your blog post, use that keyword or phrase as your title and write about it. Make it meaningful. Put your heart into it. You don’t want to use a phrase or keyword that has too many search results. Chances are, you won’t even compete with the bigger fish. 

Once you have your visitors to your site, you need make sure that you’re offering them something that is relevant to the blog post that you just wrote. Whether you’re trying to make money from advertisements, affiliate programs, or physical products, it must be relevant. If you’ve gained your readers trust, they’re more likely to buy from you. This is why you have to love your readers. You may think it’s all about you, but it’s not. It’s all about your readers. It’s all about captivating them and intriguing them enough to finish going through your site.