Learn to Create Your Own Site
Building your own website doesn't need to be this long, overly complicated process. It's been our dream to help individuals create their own websites, on their own time, without unnecessary costs.
Save Money. Lots of it.
You may not realize it, but you can save a lot of money creating a website on your own. How much money? Hundreds of dollars per year and in some cases, thousands of dollars per year. Using WordPress, you're not limited by the constraints of a site like Shopify either that charge you for more features. Yuck.

Create it exactly how you want it.
Are you a creative person? One the benefits of creating your own site, is that you can try different themes for however long you want. If you're looking to have someone create your website, chances are, they want it done quickly and so do you. This hinders the true creativity of your site.
So about those costs...
We know, it's what you're really curious about. Check out the crazy prices below from Shopify Wix and Squarespace.



But what about all of those "features"?
Every one of those features is available for free using WordPress. Even when it comes to free ad credits from Google and Bing, you can get those for free, just by simply signing up for their services. The numbers speak for themselves. Unless you're looking at enterprise costs and are looking for someone to run your website completely, it makes zero fiscal sense to use anything but WordPress.
What will I learn?
So what's in the box? The WordPress course is thorough. You'll go from the very beginning of a site to the end. By the end of the course, should you have followed along, you will have a full fledged, working website.
- Obtaining a URL
- Choosing a host
- Getting an SSL certificate
- Installing WordPress
- Navigating the Dashboard
- Choosing A Theme
- Plugins
- Setting up WooCommerce
- Setting up Stripe
- Setting up your Homepage
- Adding additional pages
- Adding Products
- Listing your site on Google, Bing & Yahoo

Already a client of ours?
Great news! If we've done business with you before, you already have access to the course and will continue to gain access to courses, completely free.
We mean our loyalty.

Start Your Own Business!
Are you interested in starting your own online business, but have no idea where to start? Become a website designer. Did you know the current rate in the US is anywhere from $45-$75 per hour? You can do it. Learn WordPress today and start your new journey.
Freedom might be closer than you think.
Already Own Your Own Business?
If you already own your own business, then you're probably here for a reason. You understand the world that we live in and how vital it is to have a presence online. The fact is, people use the internet more than ever and that usage is only going to rise. Save money and build your own site, just like you did your business, from the ground up.

Get notified when the course is available...
We're hard at work creating the "Learn WordPress" course and more are in the works! In the future, we'll show you how to create effective marketing campaigns for your business as well. Fill in your email below and get notified about our Learn programs. Don't worry, we don't sell your email. Really - and we never will.

When will it be ready?
We're expecting a 2022 release for the "Learn WordPress" course. We value your feedback and will be offering a promotional period for everyone who signs up to be notified when it's complete. Just fill in your email to the left and be one of the first people to try out the course!